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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I am pleased to recommend Mark and his firm. He has helped us to become a better organization and better people as well.

Rev. Louis R. Lothman, Th.D., Director, Pastoral Counseling Services, Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Move Past the Form Letter: Show Genuine Gratitude with Your Thank-you

Of course you appreciate your donors – they’re your lifeblood, helping your ministry thrive. While most donors expect to receive the perfunctory form thank-you letter, which acknowledges their gift(s) and supports their tax deduction, why not make them feel extra special?

At your next board meeting, ask board members to help make your organization shine by personalizing your appreciation:

  • Give each board member three to five notecards with a list of donors’ names (and perhaps most recent gift amounts). Ask them to write a few words of appreciation and sign it. Below the signature each board member should write, “Board of Directors of [Your Organization].” Mail the notes the next day.
  • Or, give your board members a few donors’ names and their phone numbers, and instead of writing a personalized thanks, ask your board to call the donors to personally thank them for their support. The board members can also share some news about your organization or ask donors’ opinions about something you’re planning, but this contact SHOULD NOT BE A SOLICITATION CALL!

Donors never lack for opportunities to spend their charitable funds. Let them know you’re grateful they chose your cause.

If you need assistance accounting for those gifts, we can help. Contact Online Stewardship at or 904-398-4747.

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