If an organization is approved for an exemption under IRC Section 501(c)3 it’s exempt from federal and state income taxes. This recognition by the IRS can lead to additional exemptions for real estate, sales and even some utility taxes, depending on the laws in your state. Beware, though, of exceptions to your exempt status, such […]
Filed under: General by Mark Patrick Tuesday, May 29th, 2012
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One of the most complicated topics for faith-based and non-profit organizations is payroll and payroll taxes. Filing payroll is a challenging task to complete, but the unfortunate reality is not handling it properly, or worse, not filing at all, can result in costly penalties. This week, we’ll cover some basics that apply to all employers, […]
Filed under: General by Mark Patrick Tuesday, May 15th, 2012
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As an employee of a nonprofit or faith-based organization you give a lot. You likely earn less than you would in the for-profit world and you probably never ask for reimbursement for many of the expenses you incur on behalf of your organization. But a number of these expenses may be deductible on your personal […]
Filed under: General by Mark Patrick Tuesday, May 1st, 2012
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