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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I am so much more comfortable with how our finances are now being handled. Thanks for your help!

Dr. Randy T. Hodges, Senior Pastor
Hernando Church of the Nazarene

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Protect your Nonprofit’s Tax-Exempt Status

When was the last time you thanked the IRS? Well, now you can! The agency recently made it a lot easier for charities to stay in the know when it comes to understanding tax issues. Visit the IRS website, Stay Exempt, 24/7 to access many different tax resources, including virtual training, official guidance, tax publications, […]

Want to Keep your Mission Accomplished?

As a nonprofit organization, one of your priorities will always be raising enough funds to make certain your mission continues. Since the newly effective Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, questions regarding the impact on nonprofits continue to emerge. Don’t just wait for the impact of the new tax reform law and how it might affect […]