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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I have been the treasurer for my church for the better part of 10 years. It is an important job but one that requires a certain amount of specialized knowledge to do it properly which makes it very difficult to ever move out of the position. Having a firm like OSA&C to step in and do the detailed work allows our church finance committee to focus on making the decisions that are best for the church and not be concerned with the details of the books. What a relief!

William S. Hart, CFP, MBA
Retirement Strategies, Inc.

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Weighing potential risks and returns of alternative investments

Alternative investments may appeal to your not-for-profit because they often offer higher long-term performance than traditional securities do. But these investments can come with tax liabilities. They also typically are riskier, which may not be appropriate for your organization. Here’s what you need to know. No easily ascertained value Alternative investments generally are defined in contrast to […]

Are your volunteers risking legal and tax liability?

Comprehensive risk management is one of the primary responsibilities of not-for-profit leaders. You probably regularly consider and act to mitigate risk to your facilities and assets and your staffers and clients. What about your volunteers? Even though the federal Volunteer Protection Act of 1997 provides some protection, volunteers face the real risk of being sued […]