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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


He has the gift of being able to know in depth matters financial, including IRS details and changes, and being able to translate the CPA world and its requirements and value to laity and clergy alike.

Rev. Louis R. Lothman, Th.D., Director, Pastoral Counseling Services, Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Give your organization’s members a reason to renew

When inflation is high, it’s common for people to cut expenses by deciding not to renew subscriptions and memberships. For charities and associations that depend on membership fees, this trend can be distressing — if not catastrophic. If your not-for-profit’s membership rolls are declining due to nonrenewal, you need to address the problem immediately. Here are […]

Are your Accounting and Development departments like oil and water?

When Accounting and Development teams don’t work well together, the situation can lead to more than employee hostility and conflict. It can affect the not-for-profit’s financial statements and lead to the forfeiture of grant funds. To ensure the staffers in your Accounting and Development departments communicate fluidly, you may need to revise certain procedures and […]