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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I have been the treasurer for my church for the better part of 10 years. It is an important job but one that requires a certain amount of specialized knowledge to do it properly which makes it very difficult to ever move out of the position. Having a firm like OSA&C to step in and do the detailed work allows our church finance committee to focus on making the decisions that are best for the church and not be concerned with the details of the books. What a relief!

William S. Hart, CFP, MBA
Retirement Strategies, Inc.

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Executing your nonprofit’s capital campaign

Nonprofit capital campaigns aim to raise a specific — usually, a significant — amount of money over a limited time period. Your not-for-profit may undertake a capital campaign to acquire land, buy a new facility, expand an existing facility, purchase major equipment or seed an endowment. Whatever your goal, a capital campaign can be grueling, […]

Does Your Nonprofit Website Need a Little Spring Cleaning?

Spring is finally here! What a perfect time to spend a few hours every week tackling some of those website updates and changes that procrastination caused you to put on the back burner. Imagine for a moment a clean and clutter-free website. After all, your website is your nonprofit’s online home, and with the power […]

Daily Fundraiser Strategies to Show You the Money!

How can your nonprofit or house of worship improve strategies to be successful among the other myriad fundraisers? From building lasting relationships with prospects and donors, to successfully planning and executing gift requests, you can implement certain planning steps to maximize your results. While each fundraising strategy holds importance, often overlooked is the skill of […]