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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I have personally known Mark Patrick since 1988. I have worked with him both professionally at the corporate level and personally as he has been my accountant. It is without hesitation that I would recommend him and his company.

Edmond P. Nash

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How to outsource your nonprofit’s human resources function

Outsourcing human resources can give your not-for-profit’s staff more time to spend on core duties and mission-driven programs and it may be cost-effective. Here are some suggestions if you’re thinking about outsourcing part or all of your HR tasks. First steps First, decide which segments of the HR function to contract out. Take a look at […]

When you have substantial doubts about your nonprofit’s future

U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) require not-for-profits to regularly evaluate whether there’s “substantial doubt” about their ability to continue. A going concern means that the organization won’t soon liquidate its assets and cease operations. What does your management team do if it determines substantial doubt? 2-step evaluation Your nonprofit’s management must perform a going-concern […]