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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I am pleased with the service and patience we have received. Thanks to your service, we have greater confidence in our financial position. Professional... helpful... cooperative... and accommodating to our church's needs are characteristics that describe our experience with Patrick and Raines. They add credibility, while simplifying our church's financial management. I eagerly recommend them. Thanks again for your help. It's getting better and better.

Dr. Randy T. Hodges, Senior Pastor
Hernando Church of the Nazarene

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Build a better nonprofit board with term limits

Are your not-for-profit’s board members subject to term limits? If not, you might want to consider implementing what’s widely considered a best practice. Some board members lose enthusiasm for the job over time or might even become ineffective or disruptive. Negative attitudes at the board level can easily trickle down and harm your organization’s programs […]

Clean energy credits: what you need to know!

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Cut taxes by reimbursing expenses with an accountable plan

If you’re looking for another way to attract and retain staffers that won’t bust your nonprofit’s budget, consider offering an accountable plan. It’s an easy and low-cost way to reimburse employees for out-of-pocket expenses free from income and employment taxes. Let’s take a look. Reasonable reimbursements Accountable plan reimbursement payments aren’t subject to income or employment […]

Make fundraising a year-round commitment

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