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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I have been the treasurer for my church for the better part of 10 years. It is an important job but one that requires a certain amount of specialized knowledge to do it properly which makes it very difficult to ever move out of the position. Having a firm like OSA&C to step in and do the detailed work allows our church finance committee to focus on making the decisions that are best for the church and not be concerned with the details of the books. What a relief!

William S. Hart, CFP, MBA
Retirement Strategies, Inc.

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Put an advisory board to work on your nonprofit’s challenges

A community health center desperately needed to upgrade its computer network. Unfortunately, the not-for-profit had little IT expertise on staff or on its board of directors. That’s when it decided to form an advisory committee made up of people who could analyze the situation and help guide IT decision-making. This included a retired technology company […]

Before your nonprofit celebrates that new grant …

Most not-for-profits can’t afford to turn down offers of financial support. At the same time, you shouldn’t blindly accept government or foundation grants simply because they’re offered. Some grants may come with excessive administrative burdens, cost inefficiencies and lost opportunities. Here’s how to evaluate them. Administrative and other burdens Smaller or newer nonprofits are at particular […]