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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


He has the gift of being able to know in depth matters financial, including IRS details and changes, and being able to translate the CPA world and its requirements and value to laity and clergy alike.

Rev. Louis R. Lothman, Th.D., Director, Pastoral Counseling Services, Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Protect your Nonprofit’s Tax-Exempt Status

When was the last time you thanked the IRS? Well, now you can! The agency recently made it a lot easier for charities to stay in the know when it comes to understanding tax issues. Visit the IRS website, Stay Exempt, 24/7 to access many different tax resources, including virtual training, official guidance, tax publications, […]

Want to Keep your Mission Accomplished?

As a nonprofit organization, one of your priorities will always be raising enough funds to make certain your mission continues. Since the newly effective Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, questions regarding the impact on nonprofits continue to emerge. Don’t just wait for the impact of the new tax reform law and how it might affect […]

Can Your Nonprofit Afford Not to Hire a CPA?

Success of your religious or charitable organization is largely dependent on strong financial leadership. Yet even for the most seasoned business professional or board member, regulations specific to the nonprofit industry may prove challenging without the assistance of an experienced accountant. With the specialized characteristics of your nonprofit organization and the complex Internal Revenue Service’s […]

Charitable giving rules may be changing… and we’re still counting our blessings

Well it’s that time of year again! Let the checklist begin: Ginormous Christmas turkey ready for its annual all-day bake-fest? Check. Two pounds of pecans for your coveted yummy pie? Check. Bing Crosby, dreaming of his famous white Christmas, crooning in the background? Perfection. Another year-end forecast reflecting an increase in donations for your non-profit? […]

It’s ‘Giving Tuesday,’ is Your Nonprofit Helping Your Donors Claim Their Gift?

We’re seeing a lot of media focus on #GivingTuesday today and we hope your religious or nonprofit organization is benefiting from the added attention. We also hope you’re making time to take care of your donors for their tax purposes. Even the IRS agrees it’s better to given than to receive—it gives your donors a […]

Is it Your Turn to Make a Difference?

What’s your passion? Helping abused children? Feeding the hungry? If you find the time is right to support your favorite worthwhile cause by forming a nonprofit organization, the IRS website may be your initial step in making your dream a reality. The IRS website, Stay Exempt, offers 24/7 access to a wide range of online […]

Could Your Church or Nonprofit Be Subject to Income Tax?

As the clergy, staff or board member of a church or charity, your priorities likely include philanthropic endeavors and providing aid to those in need. As such, your organization is granted a unique status in American society: the IRS generally exempts nonprofits such as yours from income tax. To maintain your tax-exempt status the following […]

Stay Prepared: Peace-of-Mind Forecasting for Hurricane Season

If you’re an experienced Floridian, you probably don’t flinch at the mention of hurricane season. No matter how many natural disasters you successfully weathered, as the leader or manager of a nonprofit organization, maintaining vigilance is especially vital when you’re deciphering the dreaded tropical storm forecasting maps. While you’re taking care of your personal preparations, […]

Beware of Bogus New IRS Phone Scam

The Internal Revenue Service recently issued a warning to taxpayers – including nonprofits that run for-profit enterprises, such as thrift shops – about a new telephone scam, reported numerous times across the country. Nonprofit staff members are typically kind-hearted and eager to please, but now it’s time to put up your guard. In this deception, […]

Does Your Church Qualify for Property Tax Exemption?

Since the founding of our country and the introduction of official federal income tax laws, churches, mosques and synagogues continue to be tax-exempt. Many believe government’s protective role regarding religious institutions must remain intact, given their innumerable benefits to society. Included in the various tax benefits provided all religious institutions, churches also qualify for property […]

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