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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


He has the gift of being able to know in depth matters financial, including IRS details and changes, and being able to translate the CPA world and its requirements and value to laity and clergy alike.

Rev. Louis R. Lothman, Th.D., Director, Pastoral Counseling Services, Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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The Importance of Good Record Keeping

All businesses should maintain good records, and nonprofit organizations are no exception. Accurate record keeping helps you: Identify the source of your receipts. Donors who deem your organization worthy of their gifts expect acknowledgement for their own tax deductions and may want to stay informed of your activities and events. Keep track of expenses. When […]

Marketing for Nonprofits: A Resource

Online Stewardship Accounting & Consulting staff members care about nonprofit organizations. When we find a resource that may be helpful, we like to pass it along. We’ve found a website devoted to nonprofit marketing you may find useful. Marketing is just as important to a nonprofit organization as a for-profit enterprise. Kivi Leroux Miller, owner […]