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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


He has the gift of being able to know in depth matters financial, including IRS details and changes, and being able to translate the CPA world and its requirements and value to laity and clergy alike.

Rev. Louis R. Lothman, Th.D., Director, Pastoral Counseling Services, Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Health Care – How Much Will it Cost You?

It’s finally here. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is taking effect and it’s time to decide whether to play along and get coverage or pay the penalty for going without—and nonprofit employers and their employees are covered by the law. Penalties aren’t only for businesses without coverage (nonprofits included), but for individuals […]

IRS Offers Resources for Nonprofit Organizations

Did you know the IRS hosts a video portal of information to help nonprofit organizations maintain their compliance requirements? Topics include help for new nonprofits, fundraising and donations, filing returns and information for international activities involvement. Additionally, printed information is available for: Charitable organizations Churches and religious organizations Political organizations Private foundations Other nonprofits This […]