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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I have personally known Mark Patrick since 1988. I have worked with him both professionally at the corporate level and personally as he has been my accountant. It is without hesitation that I would recommend him and his company.

Edmond P. Nash

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Update your nonprofit’s social media policy

Perhaps you wrote a social media policy several years ago when your not-for-profit set up a Facebook page. Since then, not only has your nonprofit likely changed, but new social media platforms have emerged. At the very least, the sites you use have probably revised their terms of service. That’s why it’s time to revisit […]

Make a licensing agreement work for your nonprofit

If you’re looking for a new revenue source for your nonprofit, licensing its name to a for-profit company might be a consideration — but it can be risky. If you’re considering a licensing arrangement, ensure that the partnership really will generate funds and, possibly more important, a positive impression of your brand. Success . . . […]