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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I am so much more comfortable with how our finances are now being handled. Thanks for your help!

Dr. Randy T. Hodges, Senior Pastor
Hernando Church of the Nazarene

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How secure is your copier?

The trusty copier has been in offices for years. No longer the humble duplicator, it’s been changing, developing, and getting smarter until it’s also a printer, scanner, and fax machine. And many of us never thought about the hidden hard drive that enables modern copiers to do all these things until CBS News opened our […]

Can Recycling be a Ministry?

A few months ago, we joined a recycling program and we suggest that your church participate in one, too.  We use a number of rechargeable batteries in our office equipment and your church staff, along with church members and neighborhood residents do as well … batteries which in many areas can no longer be disposed […]