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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I am so much more comfortable with how our finances are now being handled. Thanks for your help!

Dr. Randy T. Hodges, Senior Pastor
Hernando Church of the Nazarene

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3 ways to improve development and accounting collaboration

Communication breakdowns between a not-for-profit’s development and accounting departments can lead to confusion, embarrassment and even financial problems. Here are three ways your organization can facilitate cooperation between these two critical functions. 1. Recognize differences Accounting and development typically record their financial information differently, which is why they can produce numbers that vary but nonetheless […]

Protect Your Nonprofit from Embezzlement!

It is important to have a professional on your side to look over the books for your nonprofit organization. As professionals, we are here to help guide you and prepare you for the future. We want you and your organization to thrive. Unfortunately, not everyone wants the same for you. So what do you do […]