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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


He has the gift of being able to know in depth matters financial, including IRS details and changes, and being able to translate the CPA world and its requirements and value to laity and clergy alike.

Rev. Louis R. Lothman, Th.D., Director, Pastoral Counseling Services, Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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People Still Pay by Check: Beware of Tampering

In nonprofit and commercial organizations alike, we want to think our employees (or volunteers) exude sterling characters who wish the best for both our organization and their fellow colleagues. Sadly, this isn’t always the case, and even people we trust implicitly may be tempted to conduct deceptive bookkeeping in times of personal downturn. Although many […]

Does Your Church Qualify for Property Tax Exemption?

Since the founding of our country and the introduction of official federal income tax laws, churches, mosques and synagogues continue to be tax-exempt. Many believe government’s protective role regarding religious institutions must remain intact, given their innumerable benefits to society. Included in the various tax benefits provided all religious institutions, churches also qualify for property […]

Should Churches be Prepared for IRS Audits?

Does the IRS hold the right to audit your church? That answer lies in the halls of Congress. According to the IRS: “Congress has enacted special tax laws that apply to churches and religious organizations in recognition of their unique status in American society and of their right guaranteed by the First Amendment of the […]

Are you paying too much for online donations?

This video from Church Law & Tax suggests you may be paying more than you realize.  View it here.