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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


I am pleased to recommend Mark and his firm. He has helped us to become a better organization and better people as well.

Rev. Louis R. Lothman, Th.D., Director, Pastoral Counseling Services, Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Putting the “public” back in your nonprofit’s PR efforts

Public charities, or 501(c)(3) organizations, are fundamentally different from private foundations. They depend on support from multiple public sources, including individuals in their communities. If your not-for-profit isn’t reaching out to and engaging its broad donor and prospective donor base through the media, it probably needs to revise its PR strategy. Consider these best practices. […]

Commit to continually improve your nonprofit’s accounting processes

Do your not-for-profit’s accounting processes work perfectly — with no errors, delays or other inefficiencies? If yours is like most organizations, probably not. But if your nonprofit is committed to improvement, you have an edge over those that accept the status quo. Whether it’s building budgets, paying invoices or preparing financial statements, there’s almost always something […]

Nonprofits: 4 signs that something may be awry

Many not-for-profit leaders are nervously watching macroeconomic signs — inflation, rising interest rates and the possibility of recession — to predict how their organization will fare in coming months and years. But threats to your nonprofit’s well-being may be closer than you think. Whether you’re an executive or board member, make sure you’re looking out for […]

Nonprofits and insurance: Getting it just right

Whether you’re starting up a not-for-profit organization or your nonprofit has existed for years, you may have questions about insurance. For starters: What kind do you need? How much? Are you required by your state or by grant makers to carry certain coverage? Much depends on your organization’s size, scope and programming. But your goal should […]

Why nonprofits need to track staffers’ time

Not-for-profit organizations are compelled by federal and state wage-and-hours laws to perform a certain amount of time tracking. Funders may also stipulate timekeeping practices. Fortunately, timekeeping software can make the job a lot easier for staffers and managers. Here’s how to ensure your nonprofit complies. What’s required and what’s not You generally are required to document […]

Your nonprofit probably won’t be audited by the IRS, but if it is …

Despite recent accusations that the IRS targets certain types of tax-exempt organizations for audit, not-for-profit audits generally are rare. That’s because most nonprofits owe no or very little tax. However, as the IRS receives funding as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, it’s expected to hire new agents for all divisions, including the Tax Exempt […]

Data analytics is more accessible than you might think

Data analytics is the science of collecting and analyzing sets of data to develop useful insights, connections and patterns that can lead to better informed decision making. It can be enormously useful for not-for-profits. For example, data-driven nonprofit Community Solutions partners with local charities to help them reduce, and even end, homelessness in their communities. […]

Is effective altruism all it’s cracked up to be?

The arrest last year of a high-profile cryptocurrency exchange founder for fraud not only hurt the crypto business, but also cast a shadow on “effective altruism.” This philosophy employs evidence and statistics to determine strategic ways to benefit others — and the alleged fraudster is a vocal proponent. He has claimed that he earned as much money […]

Give your organization’s members a reason to renew

When inflation is high, it’s common for people to cut expenses by deciding not to renew subscriptions and memberships. For charities and associations that depend on membership fees, this trend can be distressing — if not catastrophic. If your not-for-profit’s membership rolls are declining due to nonrenewal, you need to address the problem immediately. Here are […]

Are your Accounting and Development departments like oil and water?

When Accounting and Development teams don’t work well together, the situation can lead to more than employee hostility and conflict. It can affect the not-for-profit’s financial statements and lead to the forfeiture of grant funds. To ensure the staffers in your Accounting and Development departments communicate fluidly, you may need to revise certain procedures and […]

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