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Supporting Your Faith with Fiscal Accountability


He has the gift of being able to know in depth matters financial, including IRS details and changes, and being able to translate the CPA world and its requirements and value to laity and clergy alike.

Rev. Louis R. Lothman, Th.D., Director, Pastoral Counseling Services, Presbyterian Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

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Stop Wasting Time on Ineffective “Bored” Meetings!

Stick to the facts please, ladies and gentlemen . . .  Ever wonder why you find yourself slightly restless during your nonprofit’s board meeting? Perhaps daydreaming about that comfy couch calling your name at home?

One of the reasons board meetings often run too long or veer off topic is an unfocused agenda. As with any meeting, careful planning and an effective board agenda will help direct members to stay on topic:

  • Create a Consent Agenda: When all reports are routed into one agenda item, you can vote on it as one action item, rather than filing multiple actions on each item separately. Items typically listed in a consent agenda include prior meeting minutes, financial reports and the executive director/chief executive officer’s report.
  • Reserve Times for Agenda Items: Providing reserved times for each agenda item allows discussion on critical items, concerns and decision-making. If the board spends too much time listening to reports rather than engaging in active discussion and debating critical issues, the result leads to an ineffective meeting.
  • Seek Input from Board Members: To keep the group engaged, make certain you request topic suggestions from members, along with a reason why each item needs to be addressed during the meeting.
  • Identify Responsibility: Each agenda item should identify the individual responsible to ensure he or she takes accountability and prepares to lead the discussion point at the meeting.
  • Focus Agenda Items on Decision Points, not Updates: Instead of simply focusing on updates regarding programs, fundraising budgets, committee reports, etc., include a category for “Updates” in the consent agenda, and focus the main agenda items on strategy, and decisions that affect the mission of the organization.

Since board meetings cover many topics, from reviewing previous meetings and progress of assignments, to committee reports and round table discussions, it’s easy to get off track. With careful planning, your meeting will gain necessary direction to ensure important items get addressed adequately and . . .    improve the odds that no members dream of their comfy couches!

At Online Stewardship Accounting and Consulting Services, we maintain a special commitment for faith- and community-based groups. We help manage the business aspects of your nonprofit, so you can focus on your core mission. Contact or 904 398-4747.

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